Category: Articles

Susan Boyle and the Two Captains: A Return To Simple Narratives

The singing sensation Susan Boyle who recently auditioned for Britain’s Got Talent, a Simon Cowell creation, has taken the world by storm. I first got wind of this phenomenon when a friend of mine sent me the link last week. If you haven’t seen it yet, take a look at the YouTube video below, then continue reading.

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20 April 2009 | 0 Comments

Tags: Appearance , Authenticity , Sincerity , The Arts , Voice

Looking For A Job Or In Transition?

I was sitting next to my classmate, Chris, on Saturday morning. It was the last day of our fabulous 8-week FastTrac* Growth Venture course that is sponsored by a local non-profit, the Women’s Business Development Center. Just to be clear, Chris is a guy.

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30 March 2009 | 0 Comments

Tags: Challenges , Communication , Jobs , Motivation , Nonverbal Communication