Category: Articles

SPEAKRETS BLOGThe State Of The Union Address Is The Ultimate Master Class In Public Speaking

Rhetorical devices and flourishes play a big role in increasing impact and helping us remember what's been said, and President Obama is a master at using them. Learn advanced--yet simple--speaking techniques likes anaphora, anapest, and chiasmus by breaking down last night's State of the Union address (don't worry, we'll explain).

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26 January 2012 | 1 Comments

Tags: Barack Obama , Charisma , Communication , Language Use , Leadership , Preparation

SPEAKRETS BLOGThe 7 Worst Communications Failures Of 2011

Want a good lesson in how to tarnish your public image, put off your fan base, torpedo your career, or lose the trust of your clients? There's plenty to pick from in our annual list of 2011’s communication losers.

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22 December 2011 | 0 Comments

Tags: Barack Obama , Communication , Failure