Gladwell on Talent Selection
We think we know how to identify talent, but do we? Is looking for preocious talent really the answer, or does mastery, learned over years, offer the solution?
read more06 June 2008 | 0 Comments
We think we know how to identify talent, but do we? Is looking for preocious talent really the answer, or does mastery, learned over years, offer the solution?
read more06 June 2008 | 0 Comments
Having impeccable manners and understanding the rules of etiquette are critical determinants of success and key to winning people over.
read more06 June 2008 | 0 Comments
The dreaded moment happens - you're in the elevator with your boss and s/he wants an update or status report. What to do? Think SALES.
read more05 May 2008 | 0 Comments