Category: Articles

"Sweetie" and Sibling Terms: Never OK in Business

In business, using diminutive names and terms in a professional context has nothing to do with endearment and everything to do with entitlement and who has the power.

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05 May 2008 | 0 Comments

Tags: Barack Obama , Language Use , Leadership

The Best Messages Make Us Feel

There are some guidelines to follow when selecting and using your words that will help in moving people in the direction you want.

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22 April 2008 | 0 Comments

Tags: Language Use , Presentation skills , Presentations

Welcome Back, Comma.

Comma. I have noticed that the lowly comma is making a return to written communication. I have missed it terribly over the past several years and so it is good to see it back. I had always wondered why it got lost. In asking friends and colleagues about it, people would almost brag about not using them, saying they cluttered things up or were old-fashioned. I would disagree vociferously, taking the position that commas make reading easier.

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21 April 2008 | 0 Comments

Tags: Language Use , Punctuation , Writing