Category: blog

How to Deal with Discomfort in Presentational Settings

How to deal with discomfort in a presentational setting? You know the feeling. I certainly do. It manifests in different ways... sweaty palms, increased heartbeat, trembly hands, butterflies. You wish it would just go away, but it never does.

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01 June 2018 | 0 Comments

Tags: confident public speaking , Executive Speech Coach , how to deal with discomfort , how to give a great speech , how to manage stage fright , Media Training , Nonverbal Communication , public speaking training , Ruth Sherman

Why it Feels so Good to Say F*#k

Why do we like to curse? I’ve addressed this topic twice before, the last time in 2013. All I can say is, “My, how things have changed!”

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04 May 2018 | 0 Comments

Tags: confident public speaking , Executive Speech Coach , how to give a great speech , Media Training , Nonverbal Communication , public speaking training , Ruth Sherman

Parkland's Powerful Theatre Kids

I've been so struck by the Parkland theatre students who have been speaking out so forcefully after the tragic shooting at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School a few weeks ago. It's been reported that several of them participate in the theatre program at the school. Besides the obvious techniques such stage presence, there are other, less well-known, but just as powerful takeaways that we, as a nation, have been watching play out on the national stage. Following are a few of them. Take note if you want to break through barriers holding you back and get heard...

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06 April 2018 | 0 Comments

Tags: confident public speaking , Executive Speech Coach , how to give a great speech , Media Training , Nonverbal Communication , public speaking training , Ruth Sherman