Category: blog

Do I Give Hugs or Handshakes?

It's done. Finally. Yes, I have finished the big speech. Now I'm in practice mode, saying it over and over, repeatedly, so even if the technology goes down, I'll be able to give my audience what they came for.

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01 December 2017 | 2 Comments

Tags: confident public speaking , Executive Speech Coach , haptics , how to design great slides , how to give a great speech , how to use images on slides , Media Training , Nonverbal Communication , public speaking training , Ruth Sherman

The Problem With Beautifully Designed Slides

It's done. Finally. Yes, I have finished the big speech. Now I'm in practice mode, saying it over and over, repeatedly, so even if the technology goes down, I'll be able to give my audience what they came for.

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31 October 2017 | 1 Comments

Tags: confident public speaking , Executive Speech Coach , how to design great slides , how to give a great speech , how to use images on slides , Media Training , public speaking training , Ruth Sherman

Delivered the Big Speech at INBOUND

Before I knew it, INBOUND was here and I delivered the big speech, one I'd been working on for what seemed like forever. So how'd it go, you wonder?

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06 October 2017 | 1 Comments

Tags: big speech , Brené Brown , celebrity media training , Communication , confident public speaking , Executive Speech Coach , How to deliver a speech , Media Training , Michelle Obama , Preparation , public speaking , public speaking training , Ruth Sherman