Category: blog

Finished My Big Speech!

It's done. Finally. Yes, I have finished the big speech. Now I'm in practice mode, saying it over and over, repeatedly, so even if the technology goes down, I'll be able to give my audience what they came for.

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15 September 2017 | 0 Comments

Tags: big speech , celebrity media training , Communication , confident public speaking , Executive Speech Coach , Media Training , Preparation , public speaking , public speaking training , Ruth Sherman

Killing my darlings

I'm a professional speaker so my talks have to be good. It takes a lot of work to get there and it's difficult, often boring work. But the results can be amazing, presenting opportunities that cannot arise any other way.

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11 August 2017 | 0 Comments

Tags: celebrity media training , Communication , confident public speaking , Executive Speech Coach , Media Training , Preparation , public speaking , public speaking training , Ruth Sherman

I'm midway through prep for my big speech

I'm a professional speaker so my talks have to be good. It takes a lot of work to get there and it's difficult, often boring work. But the results can be amazing, presenting opportunities that cannot arise any other way.

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14 July 2017 | 0 Comments

Tags: celebrity media training , Communication , confident public speaking , Executive Speech Coach , Media Training , Preparation , public speaking , public speaking training , Ruth Sherman