Category: blog

Stage Fright Can Be Cured

Every year or so I am reminded, usually by a client or prospect, to teach about stage fright. In my long and deep experience, I've found there are two types of stage fright. There's the type most people get when they have to stand up before a group and the stakes are high. That's about 95% of my clients. Then there's the type where the fear and anxiety are so great, it might be considered clinical. The good news is there are solutions for both.

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02 September 2016 | 0 Comments

Tags: confident public speaking , how to manage stage fright , Preparation for public speaking , Presentation skills , Stage Fright , stage fright cure , stage fright drug

Bad Publicity vs. NO Publicity: Presidential Campaign Lessons

It's been said that the only bad publicity is no publicity. The presidential campaign starring Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton has some lessons for us on that including why bad news sticks or not and what you have to keep in mind when you're in the public eye.

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05 August 2016 | 0 Comments

Tags: Donald Trump , Executive Speech Coach , executive speech coaching , Hillary Clinton , Political Communication , Presidential campaign , presidential candidates

Invest in this Superpower, Empathy, for Big Payoff

Last month, I spent some time with a client and her fiancé, who is very big in the world of the mind and mental improvement. Upon being introduced, he posed the following question: "What's your superpower?" Without missing a beat, I said, "Empathy."

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30 June 2016 | 0 Comments

Tags: Command the Room , Empathy , Executive Speech Coach , executive speech coaching , how to communicate , public speaking tips and tricks , public speech coach , superpower