Category: blog

How to Use A Speaker Introduction

Each time I am asked to speak, I provide a written introduction. And each time the designated introducer receives it, without fail, they say something like, "I'm not going to read it - I'm just going to say a few words." Translation: "I want to do it my way." Umm. no. It's not about you.

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08 June 2016 | 0 Comments

Tags: Executive Speech Coach , executive speech coaching , how to use a speaker introduction , public speaking tips and tricks , public speech coach , Speaker introduction , why you should use the speaker introduction

What Sir Richard Branson and I Have in Common

There was a great article in Forbes by Sir Richard Branson. The most interesting thing about it was his admission that he hates making speeches, because he gets nervous. Still, he has to deliver a lot of them and, thus, recognized early on that if he were going to become a success, he'd better learn to get good at it.

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06 May 2016 | 1 Comments

Tags: Fear of Public Speaking , Presentation skills , Sir Richard Branson