Category: blog

While Everyone Zigs, Donald Trump Zags and Why You Should, Too

It's an old advertising/marketing adage: If everyone zigs, you zag. What this means is you have to stand out, do the unexpected, un-follow the herd. We have a prime illustration of how successful this strategy can be in Donald Trump. He has been so successful, in fact, he could become the next POTUS, a terrifying thought.

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04 March 2016 | 1 Comments

Tags: celebrity media training , Donald Trump , Executive media training , executive speech training , Hillary Clinton , Leadership , Political Communication , Presentation skills , public speaking , Republican presidential candidate , speaking voice

Why Hillary Clinton Fails to Communicate

So you'd think after 25 years in the public eye, after running for president – not once, but twice – on a scale of 1-10, Hillary Clinton would be a 10! At least an 8 or a 9. Instead, she's somewhere around a 6, give or take. And that won't be enough to win this thing. So what's going wrong? Well, a few things

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05 February 2016 | 6 Comments

Tags: Democratic Debate , executive speech training , Hillary Clinton , Leadership , Political Communication , Presentation skills , public speaking , speaking voice