Category: blog

5 Steps to A Winning Performance Mindset in 2016

Ruth's Truth: It's no longer enough to be good at your job. Lots of people are good. The competition is fierce and the market increasingly crowded with good workers. Today, if you want to advance, you have to be great. Albert Einstein great. Oscar and Pulitzer winning great. Super Bowl and Stanley Cup great. Aretha Franklin great. You get the picture. What you may not get is what's necessary to achieve greatness.

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08 January 2016 | 0 Comments

Tags: celebrity media training , Communication , executive speech coaching , executive speech training , focused practice , presentation skills training , Presentations , public speaking

Advice for Candidates in Democratic Debate

I was quoted in Time yesterday about what the candidates had to do to to break through during the Democratic Debate. Remember: The best communicator always wins.

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14 October 2015 | 0 Comments

Tags: Bernie Sanders , Democratic Debate , Hillary Clinton , Leadership , Martin O'Malley , Political Communication , Presentation skills , public speaking