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Propaganda And The Future Of America

Most of us aren't delving into policy statements posted on candidates' website. We should, but, we're not. We're also not reading in-depth reporting in the major papers. The fact is, most of the information we use to decide whom to vote for comes from TV - appearances, interviews, ads, and debates. Propaganda. That's why it's absolutely critical to understand what the candidates are doing communication-wise so we don't get tricked into voting for someone just because they seem like they'd be fun to have a beer with. Here are some of the things to look for:

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07 August 2015 | 1 Comments

Tags: Campaign 2016 , Carly Fiorina , Charisma , Chris Christie , Donal Trump , Jeb Bush , Leadership , Lindsey Graham , Making an Impression , Marco Rubio , Political Communication , Preparation , Presentation skills , public speaking , Rand Paul , Scott Walker

Caitlyn Jenner Gave A Remarkable ESPY Speech

I've written about Caitlyn Jenner before and now I am compelled to write about her again having just watched her remarkable ESPY speech. It was just about perfect. Here's why.

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16 July 2015 | 1 Comments

Tags: caitlyn jenner , Caitlyn Jenner ESPY Speech , ESPY Courage Award , Preparation , Presentation skills , Sincerity , Voice

The Talented Mr. Trump

If you are worried about Donald Trump becoming President, don't. There is zero chance of that. There are surface things that need to be in place for someone running for this office. Like having the adoring family standing by your side. I haven't seen Melania or Ivanka or Donald, Jr., or the other "Trumpettes." I think he knows all this and deep down, he may not actually want to be President. I do, however, think he wants to keep himself in the public eye and he is the best at that. Donald Trump is a master of the media.

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13 July 2015 | 0 Comments

Tags: celebrity media training , confident public speaking , Donald Trump , Instagram , Making an Impression , Social Media , Video marketing