the blog

Hyping Myself Has Become Exhausting

There was a great article by Kathleen Parker of the Washington Post concerning our culture of social media self-promotion. She particularly takes issue with what she terms the "humble-brag." "As in: 'I looked like a wet mop the day I got the Pulitzer.' Something like that."

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10 July 2015 | 0 Comments

Tags: Authenticity , Making an Impression , Marketing , self-promotion

What Mastery Actually Looks Like (And What It Doesn't)

It's been an interesting week in the world of mastery. Wimbledon, the Women's World Cup, and "In Performance At The White House" - Gospel edition. Furthermore, I had an interesting conversation with a prospective client yesterday and he directed me to a popular TED talk that spelled out, he said, what he was looking for. Ultimately, the client didn't have the budget, but I was curious about the TED talk, so I watched.

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03 July 2015 | 0 Comments

Tags: Aretha Franklin , Charisma , Mastery , Music , Preparation , Presentation skills , Voice

Ruth's Guacamole Recipe

In honor of July 4th (and in light of the controversy over the NY Times's guacamole recipe featuring peas (??!!!), I am posting here a recipe that my family, guests, and I have enjoyed for over 15 years. FYI, I watched it being prepared table-side at Boudro's in San Antonia, TX, so you know it's the real deal. I just tweaked a bit.

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03 July 2015 | 0 Comments

Tags: 4th of July , Guacamole , recipies