Category: blog

Mo’ne Davis, Trolls, & The Online Dis-Inhibition Effect

Trolls. These are the posters on social media, blogs and elsewhere online, who feel free to express their most vile, insulting, obscene, and/or hurtful thoughts. It just happened to teenage baseball wiz Mo’ne Davis. (Do a search for the story.) Some idiot from a college called her a slut. Inappropriate to say the least. He didn’t know her. So what caused him to think anyone would be interested in this type of opinion?

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12 May 2015 | 2 Comments

Tags: critical communication skills , Mo'ne Davis , online dis-inhibition effect , Political

Meryl Streep Really Annoyed Me

I never thought I'd say this, but Meryl Streep really annoyed me. She was so irritating, I had to turn off a movie I was watching that she was starring in. This never happened before. I love Meryl Streep, think she's one of the all-time great actors. She's so great at dialects and accents and using her voice to embody her characters. Truly a rare talent. You don't see a lot of even famous actors with this level of skill. And she may actually be too good at it, because that's what bugged me -- her character's voice.

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12 May 2015 | 0 Comments

Tags: Communication , critical communication skills , online dis-inhibition effect , Political , presidential speeches

CBS The Insider

On this segment of CBS "The Insider," I discuss the 2015 Academy Awards and the winners' Oscar Acceptance speeches. You'll notice it's an off camera interview, i.e., someone is asking me questions and I'm looking off camera answering. It's a common format in these types of shows - not something I recommend actually as you shoot videos.

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12 May 2015 | 0 Comments

Tags: critical communication skills