Category: blog

On-Camera Video Webinar Platforms Pros & Cons

Looking for an on-camera webinar platform? I've tested many of the big ones and talk about two here: Google Hangouts and Talk Fusion. Google Hangouts Pros: 1. Free! 2. You can now schedule your Hangouts – used to be you had to just start one. That feature will take too long to explain… but it’s done via the YT platform and it’s called Live Events 3. Unlimited viewers 4. Limited to 10 people who can participate in the Hangout itself, in other words, be on camera with you. Little videos at the bottom. But unlimited number of people can watch 5. Lower third Google Hangouts Cons: 1. Quality is crummy. It just is. 2. Big delay between what you say and when it’s broadcast – 30-60 seconds so if someone asks a question or posts a comment, you see it, but they don’t et the answer for what will seem like a long time. 3. Buggy – sometimes it works like it’s supposed to and sometimes it doesn’t. 4. No chat room, no way to restrict viewers. Once it goes live, it’s live to everyone. 5. You cannot play videos for public viewers, only for those invited to the hangout itself. 6. You cannot share slides easily, despite what they say about using Google Drive. And when you do, it takes the place of your on-camera video. 7. Automatically records Talk Fusion Pros: 1. Easy to schedule. 2. Up to 500 viewers. 3. 15 people 4. No delay – WYSISYG – real time 5. Chat room 6. You can upload videos and slides to the library which will appear in the main window without losing you on=camera, white board, draw, record 7. Branding Talk Fusion Cons: 1. Not Free, but reasonable $37/month – start up $250 get branding 2. Sometimes gets buggy 3. Video quality is ok, not as crummy as Hangouts, but not great – really depends on your bandwidth and the bandwidth of viewers 4. You have to record and I’ve experienced some bugs with that. You cannot download the recordings, which is a shame, so I’ve taken to recording my desktop on another computer so I have some control 5. Recordings will NOT record any other participants, only the host, or videos that you might play. They cite privacy concerns. 6. MLM business model, but you don't have to use it. I don't, but if you happen to sign up, please use my user ID: 1132214.

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25 July 2014 | 2 Comments


Your Face Needs Work

Hello there, it's Ruth Sherman, CEO and Celebrity Speech and Media Coach, but you don't have to be famous to work with me. I'm in a really beautiful place right now. I happen to be in Los Angeles. I had to come out here yesterday to work with a celebrity client. And I always like to take advantage of my surroundings, and I'm at a beautiful house, with a gorgeous pool, I just want to show you where I'm at. And right beyond the pool in the distance is the city of Los Angeles. I wanted to talk to you today about something very important for video and that is your facial expression. Right now, ugh, it's very bright out here, but I'm trying to keep my face really boring, no muscle movement that gives my words meaning and what ends up happening is my voice gets boring, too. so one of the things that I notice with people in video is they don't move their brow, they don't move their cheek, they don't smile very much and as a result, their voice and the rest of them just seems very limp and very boring. Instead what you see with me is a tremendous amount of facial animation and I'll tell you, you can't see it, but the minute I started to use my face in this way, my hand started to move. So, it's all connected. The more you move your face and we have so many muscles in our face, the more you smile, the more especially you use your brow and your eyes and your mouth and your cheek muscles, the more expressive your voice and the rest of you will be and it's extremely important for video, especially for the kinds of talking head, personality videos that are so popular and so important to be able to do. If you want to learn more about how to have great facial expression and how it's connected with the rest of you, and everything else about being on stage and on camera presentation, please go on over to where you can claim your free gift. And I'm going to ask you for something else: Please hit subscribe and subscribe to my channel so you can be notified every time I create a new video. I'll see you there. Take care.

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18 July 2014 | 8 Comments


Why My Kids Can Get Jobs

My kids have always been able to get jobs... through the recession and beyond. The reason why is they are GREAT presenters. They know how to give a firm handshake, dress and groom themselves appropriately, make eye contact and engage in lively conversation. If you have kids - or kid-relatives or kid-friends - teach them how to present themselves well and they will have a fantastic competitive advantage.

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11 July 2014 | 4 Comments
