Category: blog

How to Be Eloquent When the Topic is You

Are you truly eloquent and well-spoken when you're talking about someone else, but when it comes to promoting yourself, well, not so much? I see this all the time. I even used to suffer from it myself. Watch this video for three juicy tips that will help you become much more eloquent when the topic is you!

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27 June 2014 | 2 Comments


Summer is for Shooting Videos

It is hot outside but it is summer and I am so happy to be outside. I took my sunglasses off but the sun is so bright I'm going to have to put them back on again I just wanted to wanted you to see my eyes. So whew, too bright for me right now but here's what I want to tell you: Summertime is the best time to be getting outside and shooting your videos. Here's what the great thing is - the days are really long and as I teach my clients daylight is the best light. It's so flattering it looks beautiful so wherever you are - whether you're in the city whether you're in the 'burbs whether you're are lucky enough like I am to have a beautiful outdoor area like I do I'm just going to show you this right over here - this is beautiful Long Island Sound at Greenwich Point. And so wherever you are when it is summer and light is good then get yourself out there and shoot videos lots of videos. Here's the other thing to remember: The best time to shoot videos in daylight is in the early and later part of the day. Soright now it's almost 7 p.m. Eastern Time and you know it's not the perfect time. I wish the sun were a little lower in the sky for that really beautiful golden light. You can see it really just it just floods the face and it takes away all of those lines and wrinkles that, well I can speak only for myself, that I would rather not have. So my video tip shoot videos during the summer if you wanna learn more about where to shoot videos how to shoot videos what kind of light and how to bat the gnats away for video then hop on over to where you can download my free gift to you absolutely free alright.

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20 June 2014 | 2 Comments
