Category: blog

How to do a Pre-Event Video Shoutout

One of the best ways to break the ice before a big event is to do a video shootout to event attendees and organizers and hosts. If you're a speaker, it's a fantastic way to invite people to attend your session (i.e., get butts in seats!). If you're not speaking, then it's a fantastic way to make friends and influence people before you get there. It's also a terrific way to help promote the event. The hosts and organizers will love you for it. Shoot your videos and practice being on camera, which is always a winner.

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06 December 2013 | 0 Comments


How to Say The Letter S

Have you been infected with the latest speech virus? Speech viruses include mispronunciations like Nu-cu-lar (v. nuclear) and uptalk, where everything sounds like a question (????). This one finds the letter S and it's fabulous, crisp, sibilant sound to be softened so it sounds like a lisp. Not very professional. Now, it's one thing if you really do have a lisp - there is help for that and I've know a lot of people who've been cured. However, it's another thing entirely to give yourself a lisp. Weird, actually. Watch this video to learn how to properly say the S sound and crisp up your diction and speech so people really want to listen to you.

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29 November 2013 | 0 Comments


How to Summon Your Charisma Like Katy Perry

I was talking to Suzanne Evans recently. We were discussing charisma, how to be really magnetic, but in particular how you just have to summon the energy, the will AND the passion to be fully present when you have people who've taken part of their busy lives to be with you. Suzanne clued me into the biopic by Katy Perry, "Part of Me." There's a scene where she's preparing to go onstage at a big arena for a concert. Thousands of fans are there to see her; they've paid good money for their ticket. Yet, she is distraught over her recent breakup with Russell Brand, her ex-husband, who's taken to the airwaves to cruelly mock her and their relationship. She's sobbing and her handlers are asking if she's ok, does she want to cancel, and she says no. This continues through the makeup and costume phase and is her companion as she walks down the corridor to make her entrance. Just before she is about to be lifted up to the stage on a platform, and after one final sob, she switches it on. Her smile is big, she transports herself to where she needs to be. It's not about her. And it's not about you, either. Find the energy, summon the passion, make it happen. That's the job. It's your choice.

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22 November 2013 | 0 Comments
