Category: blog

How to Find Great Video Backdrops

Are you struggling with the same old, in-office or at-the-kitchen-table backdrop for your videos? There's nothing wrong with that, of course, but from time to time, you should mix things up. Vacations, meetings, anywhere you are in a lovely or unusual (meaning not the same-old same-old) place, whip out your smartphone or pocket camera and shoot a video. Let's people in a bit, which is always a plus and instead of repelling clients, you'll attract them.

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25 October 2013 | 4 Comments


How to Hit It Out of the Park

I received an email from a client after she delivered a very important, high-stakes presentation. It was amazing and reaffirmed how putting in the time can make you a star.

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16 October 2013 | 2 Comments
