Category: blog

SPEAKRETS™ BLOGHow Nonverbal Communication Gives Our Words Meaning

Let’s talk technique. Nonverbal technique, to be precise. How you say what you say. It’s what gives our words meaning when we speak, because, let's face it, standing up there doing a data dump is not going to engage your audience. I don't care how much they need to know about the Future of Technology as it Pertains to 1st World Economics.

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03 November 2011 | 2 Comments

Tags: Body Language , Dress and Adornment , Nonverbal Communication , Voice

SPEAKRETS BLOGPreparation Is The Magic Bullet To Public Speaking Success

Preparation is where most people go wrong with public speaking. It is the biggest obstacle by far, and the most tedious and difficult part of the journey to becoming great at speaking and presenting. But it’s also the most necessary component of the process, so don’t ignore it.

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27 October 2011 | 1 Comments

Tags: Preparation , Presentation skills , Presentations , Stage Fright

SPEAKRETS BLOGStage Fright Is Nothing To Be Afraid Of

Public speaking can shake the confidence of even the most experienced professional. Though it's natural to feel nervous, there are ways to frame your thinking that can help you manage stage fright. Here are three principles to keep in mind before your palms begin to sweat and your voice starts to quiver.

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19 October 2011 | 0 Comments

Tags: Preparation , Presentations , Stage Fright