Category: blog

Presentation IS Everything!

I was at an event this past weekend during which the title sentiment of this post was driven home to me. The event featured entrepreneurs delivering their business pitch to a panel of experts and receive feedback.

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15 March 2011 | 0 Comments

Tags: Dress and Adornment , Having Notes , Presentation skills , Presentations

Steve Jobs: The Greatest Corporate CEO Presenter of All Time

Steve Jobs received a standing ovation at the event pitching Apple's new iPad. People were happy to see him, of course, especially because he is in the midst of a significant and indefinite medical leave. But people also have come to expect the type of presentation that it seems only he can deliver. It's a phenomenon.

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03 March 2011 | 0 Comments

Tags: Preparation , Presentation skills , Presentations , Sincerity

Bieber Fever and Media Mastery

Bieber is 15! How good could he possibly be? Pretty good, it turns out. In watching him embrace his sudden fame, I've been very impressed. Not with his talent so much. Nope, I'm floored by his media savvy.

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16 February 2011 | 0 Comments

Tags: Authenticity , Creativity , Music , Presentation skills , Presentations , Sincerity