Category: blog

Susan Boyle and the Two Captains: A Return To Simple Narratives

The singing sensation Susan Boyle who recently auditioned for Britain’s Got Talent, a Simon Cowell creation, has taken the world by storm. I first got wind of this phenomenon when a friend of mine sent me the link last week. If you haven’t seen it yet, take a look at the YouTube video below, then continue reading.

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20 April 2009 | 0 Comments

Tags: Appearance , Authenticity , Sincerity , The Arts , Voice

Looking For A Job Or In Transition?

I was sitting next to my classmate, Chris, on Saturday morning. It was the last day of our fabulous 8-week FastTrac* Growth Venture course that is sponsored by a local non-profit, the Women’s Business Development Center. Just to be clear, Chris is a guy.

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30 March 2009 | 0 Comments

Tags: Challenges , Communication , Jobs , Motivation , Nonverbal Communication

Our Obsession With Woman's Looks Not Over Yet

Must powerful women solely adhere to the standards we hold for those in power or can they acknowledge that, in addition to being smart and confident, they are also a female? Funny how powerful men don't have a similar dilemma, isn't it?

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09 March 2009 | 0 Comments

Tags: Appearance , Dress and Adornment