Caveat Emptor/Buyer Beware

3 thoughts on “Caveat Emptor/Buyer Beware”

  1. Hi Ruth,
    We met at the Norwalk CT Women over 40 group. I was the photographer. Just wanted to pass along a comment about your Video. Very good about what you had to say and as always one that I heed when hiring.
    My comments about your Video concern your background and what you are wearing. Having a light mint/lime green background and orange top with Red lipstick to me just do no go well color wise. When I saw the orange top I thought of Fall. I know everyone has different colors that they feel work best for them, but I think the combination you have in the Video work against you. Of course this is my personal opinion and observation and you can disagree. I just think better colors could be coordinated especially for May.

    1. Hi Chris. I remember you. It felt like Fall when I shot this. Other people make comments about my red lipstick. I love it and always wear a version of it, no matter what other colors are in the shot. I do appreciate your comments, though, and definitely make me think. Thank you.

  2. Great video and tips about finding a speech coach who knows their craft.

    P.S. It is Autumn (Fall) here is Australia and you look gorgeous, as usual.

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