How to do a great video presentation in the age of coronavirus

I was going to do my last installment on the TED Talk series, but with coronavirus having upended business, it’s more urgent than ever to polish up your video presentation skills. 

View the video below for Video Presentation Tips & Techniques.

How to do a great video presentation

You can view my other blog posts and videos HERE or subscribe directly to my YouTube channel HERE

4 thoughts on “How to do a great video presentation in the age of coronavirus”

  1. Great presentation, Ruth, and very timely. Making sure I share this video with others.
    Stay safe.
    Linda Daniels

    1. Thanks, Linda. Actually planning a workshop on this for next Thurs. or Fri. Emails w/details forthcoming. Stay tuned (and safe). RS

  2. Hey Ruth!

    Grace here- love this video very timely and practical. I am now working for a marketing software agency “Splash” in Tribeca- will share with my sales team.

    Please do point me in the direction of your other video charisma videos- very helpful!

    Thanks for sharing your speakrets yet again!


    1. Nice to hear from you, Grace. Notification/registration emails are supposed to start tomorrow, Sunday and will be sent each day through Thurs. I appreciate you sharing them with your team. I hope you will join us. Congrats on the new position! Stay well. RS

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