How to Find Great Video Backdrops

Are you struggling with the same old, in-office or at-the-kitchen-table backdrop for your videos? There’s nothing wrong with that, of course, but from time to time, you should mix things up. Vacations, meetings, anywhere you are in a lovely or unusual (meaning not the same-old same-old) place, whip out your smartphone or pocket camera and shoot a video. Let’s people in a bit, which is always a plus and instead of repelling clients, you’ll attract them.

4 thoughts on “How to Find Great Video Backdrops”

    1. You are right. I was in a hurry as I was part of a group and nearing the end of our visit. I, of course, could see the entire place, but the camera angle didn’t capture it and although I kind of knew the view wasn’t quite cutting it, I went with it anyway. Good lesson for me, especially in light of the topic. Thank you.

  1. Really good video, Ruth. Sure, the iPhone’s lens can’t do justice to the gorgeous landscape, but you made your point very clearly anyway. And you did get just the right light on your face by putting yourself in the shade. You look wonderful!

    I was a documentary filmmaker for 30 years, so it’s time for me to put on my storyteller’s hat, especially when I find myself in a special location or even an intriguing situation.

  2. Hi Ruth I’m just discovering your videos and wondered are you simply holding the camera at arms length or do you have any recommendations about filming yourself outside when on your own? Thanks in advance.. love love love your videos. Linda

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