Practice + Experience

= spontaneity


Are you tired of being the world’s best kept secret? Ready to step up and reach a bigger, more qualified audience much faster? There is simply no better – and no more underused – way to accelerate your business growth than by speaking. And it’s not good enough to just be “good enough.” You have to do it with confidence, control, and charisma.

The good news? Charisma is not inborn. It’s learned.

Whether you are an entrepreneur, small business owner, physician, lawyer, or another business professional, today’s competitive landscape demands more than technical know-how. The ability to inspire, motivate and persuade audiences both large and small is a job requirement. Whether the environment is a meeting or on stage (yours or another’s) or before the press, what’s required is the same: exemplary presentation and communication skills.

Ruth’s speech coaching and presentation training goals are always the same: Ensuring clients master the skills to become comfortable and charismatic on platforms of any size, using a variety of media. Through Ruth’s presentation training and coaching programs, you learn to do this effectively. The results of working with a speech coach is that you are able to easily and quickly demonstrate your passion, knowledge, authority, and expertise, resulting in enhanced client relationships and leading prospects to buy.

Ruth delivers speech and presentation training coaching live or online, privately or in groups.

Following are some of the skills you must master if you want to be not just good, but amazing on stage:

  • DELIVER A PERFORMANCE, NOT A PRESENTATION. Think performing is for actors only? Think again! Imagine audiences who wait patiently in line afterward to meet you, connect with you, immerse themselves in your energy, and devise ways to do business with you.
  • LEARN THE POWERFUL TECHNIQUES. If you own a business, working with an experienced speech coach will enable you to master the series of nonverbal communication skills and secret codes – the way you look, move, sound, and travel – that engage and mesmerize stakeholders without saying a single word.
  • CREATE STORIES THAT GRAB LISTENERS & WON’T LET THEM GO, Great storytelling contains exactly the right amount of emotional content to bring them into your world and keep them there. Ruth knows everyone has a good story to tell and all her presentation training programs include collaborative work to find, develop, and share stories that make you human and relatable without crossing the line into TMI.
  • FIND YOUR “FUNNY” (AND FUN). You don’t have to be a comedian to get them to laugh-out-loud. Just like stories, humor evolves from the everyday craziness and absurdities that have us fall down laughing and beats the professional humorist every single time.
  • MANAGE THE FEAR. Trained performers know stage fright goes with the territory. Ruth’s speech training programs will teach you to use it to work for you instead of against you. This is a secret Ruth’s celebrity clients – and all great speakers – know well and use to maximum effect.
  • INFO-TAIN. By curbing the strong tendency to overwhelm with the technical information YOU love, but they will find boring (hard to believe, but true!), you’ll connect more quickly and easily. They’ll actually come away with more, better information and feel great about having spent time with you.
  • UNDERSTAND THE “RULES.” They’re made to be broken, yet practicing following them will enable you to be smart about selecting the ones to break to suit your unique style.
  • INTERACT WITH YOUR AUDIENCE. Get them moving physically, mentally and emotionally. We learn best if we’re doing, not just sitting there. This is one of the primary benefits presentation training can deliver.
  • CREATE “RHYTHM”.  Rhythm is the thrill-ride of emotional pacing that keeps people glued to their seats and to your message. Ruth learned this foolproof formula long ago from a very famous public speaking coach while investing in her own speech training and presentation coaching. It is the key to the motivational speaker kingdom.
  • SELL YOURSELF. If they don’t love you, they won’t buy from you, recognize you, give you the promotion, raise, bonus or assignment you deserve. Proper speech training will bring out your best. Audiences will be enamored of you and want to buy what you’re selling.
  • DESIGN SPEAKER NOTES. This is the one thing speakers who have not undergone speech training and presentation coaching fumble. You need something to keep you on track, but you don’t want to read verbatim (which Ruth doesn’t advocate). And despite what you may have heard, it’s totally unnecessary – and even undesirable – to either memorize or work without a “net.” There are alternatives and Ruth’s presentation skills programs will show you how to use them so you can come across smoothly and confidently.
  • LEVERAGE YOUR SPEAKING VOICE. Like your fingerprint and DNA, your voice is yours and yours alone making it a key differentiator. Ruth’s expertise in the speaking voice has helped many a speaker seduce using the uniqueness of vocal expression. This, in turn, will create intimacy whether you’re projecting full-out or dialing it down to a whisper.
  • READ THE ROOM. In the moment, do you know what your audience is thinking? This is one of the most vexing components of public speaking and presenting because there is so much else going on. But you must become hyper-aware of everything that’s occurring with your audiences.
  • FIELD QUESTIONS & OBJECTIONS. Just like Ruth’s celebrities do on the Red Carpet, or on GMA or Colbert, maintaining your equilibrium even in the face of hecklers takes coaching and practice. By engaging an experienced public speaking coach, you will learn all the techniques to handle questions and objections because you’ll know what they are beforehand.
  • OPEN AND CLOSE TO IMMEDIATELY ENGAGE AND INSPIRE ACTION. No more boilerplate, boring, typical openings done in the name of politeness that are so incredibly tempting to use. No more cheesy closings.
  • UTILIZE THE MAGIC OF PRACTICE. Practice is the ONLY way to get to the other side – the side where they’re waiting in line because they can’t to meet you. This is one of Ruth’s speech coaching and presentation training program core principles. (And it’s not the 10,000 hours you’ve likely heard about.)
  • DISCOVER YOUR UNIQUE STYLE. As humans, we are each one-of-a-kind. No one is like anyone else. So whether you’re big-and-loud or still-and-quiet, we’ll find the style that is right for you and that actually is you.

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