You’ve Got It Backwards – Speaking Should Come First, Not Last

One of my biggest frustrations with prospective clients is their almost universal stubborn belief that before they put time and resources into becoming masterful speakers and presenters, they have to perfect everything else. Lately, I’ve begun to tell them that’s a mistake, that they’ve got it completely backwards, that speaking and presentation should come first. Here’s why…

  • The ability to present oneself with confidence and charisma is incredibly client-attractive. Think about it: When you see someone who is engaging on the platform, chances are you think they are more competent than a competitor who exhibits discomfort and uncertainty, thus are more likely to give that person a chance vs. their competitor. You want to connect with that person, learn more about them, exchange contact info, link in with them, schedule a meeting with them, invite them to speak at your event, refer them to others. Guess what this does for their business and reputation? It would do the same for yours.
  • It is an accelerator. You will book more business, whether your business infrastructure is ready or not. The income generated through your speaking will facilitate your investment in the other aspects of your business. And isn’t increasing revenues the goal in any business?
  • It’s not subjective. Contrary to popular belief, it is not in the “eye of the beholder.” In fact, there are sound, objective measures experts like me agree on that professionals with a high degree of appeal have in common. We humans are social animals. As such we organize ourselves into groups with leaders, whom we subsequently entrust with our safety and survival. How does that trust get built? Largely via the way leaders communicate.
  • It’s a beauty trick. (I love this one.) We are more drawn to people we perceive as attractive and the more charismatic and engaging a speaker is, the more attractive we deem that person to be.
  • It is not superficial or fluff. These are not soft skills. They are the skills we must deploy to deliver our message, our authority, our knowledge, our subject matter expertise… to hit our target. They are the skills that make it easier for prospects to make a decision. And isn’t that what serving clients is all about… making everything easier for them?

So the next time you are thinking of polishing up your speaking – or the next time a less-qualified competitor eats your lunch – think about how speaking and presentation should come first. It’s the glue that binds all the others together. And it will make your life easier, too.

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