Steven Spielberg on Story Telling

2 thoughts on “Steven Spielberg on Story Telling”

  1. Hi
    Just catching up on emails and have just seen your video. That’s a shame that you missed your event but WOWSERS to seeing Steven Spielberg. What a guy he has such a gift for making films. You did well not speaking to him. I would have had to say HI – I used to love ET and that is such an iconic movie.
    Happy Valentines Day ;o)

    1. Total wowsers, Melanie. I work with a lot of celebrities and I try to respect their space. No one was bothering him. It’s an interesting dynamic in NYC and other celebrity-heavy places. I adored ET. Remember the first time I saw it, in NYC in the theatre. I cry at the end every time. Happy Valentines Day to you, too!

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