VideoConferencing is more taxing than In-Person

Even though I’m not going out to meet people in-person, and I’m certainly not getting on any planes, it turns out sitting in videoconferences is actually exhausting. In fact, it may be more tiring than meeting in-person.

Here’s why…

  • Looking into the lens: This is one of my best pieces of advice when doing video of any kind. However, because the lens is inanimate, it doesn’t give you any feedback so you have to pretend there is someone there. That takes a lot of energy and you don’t get any back like you would in-person.
  • Blue light: Devices emit this special type of light that tires our eyes and brains. That’s a scientific fact.
  • Less small talk & fun: When we’re together in-person, we take a lot of breaks, we joke around, we make a human connection with each other. Somehow when we’re online, it’s mostly about business.

What can we do about this?

Shorten meetings. I’m hearing about 4+ hour videoconferences. That’s too long. Take some social and/or food breaks. You’re not eating in the same space, but you can eat together, separately.

Get up to stretch. Frequently. Sitting up straight in an office chair for a long time can put a lot of strain on your upper body.

Make these a part of your videoconference routine so you’ll have more stamina. more positive energy, and can get more and better work done.

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